Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I Know, I Know!

yes i haven't posted anything and trust me there hasn't been anything that I've seen that looked worth reviewing at this time but if you have a movie or song you can send it to me at my email: keller.noah@gmail.com.  Remember if  you have an idea for a review tell me so then i can try it later


The Reviewer

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thy Friend Hast Returned

Hello everyone, I have coming back after much procrastination and not many movies worth reviewing, but i have returned and new reviews will be posted once again.


The Reviewer

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Updates, Clubs, And Wolf Brigades what more could you ask for!?

So ya i know i made some mistakes in how i said stuff and yes i know people are gonna get mad because of some of the stuff i say. But you know what, i don't care this is how i feel and i'm just saying what i got to say, so ya bring on the hate (and crappy video quality for the win).